"And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." Phil. 1:6
"For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure." Phil. 2:13
I typically apply those verses to me, as I should. But this time around, God is reminding me that HE does the work in others too (duh!). So not only am I called to let go and let God work on me, but I am also to realize it is God who works in others. I am not the changing agent. I am not the Holy Spirit. I am certainly not the judge. It is easy to find faults in others and point them out, hoping they'll agree, get with the program and change. Let me tell you what's more efficient than that: letting go and praying.
In a nut shell, I'm learning (trying to learn) to give people a break, just like God gives me "breaks"... That's called grace. It's given to me daily, and I am entitled to give it to others, too.
So I'm letting go. I'm not gonna strive to change me, I'm not gonna nag to change others either. Nope. I'll let God work in me and others. He's best at it. And while He's doing His thing, I'll hold on tight to Him!