Friday, May 21, 2010

Lash rescue!

So first, an introductory type of blog entry, then one about issues of the heart, and now, time for a little beauty talk. :)
Let me say this... "Rejuvelash, I love you!"

This thing is the best invention ever!  Although it looks like a mascara, it's not, it's a "declumper".  Let's say you go to bed without taking your makeup off...  Not that I would ever do that, but if one day it does happen to you, maybe... ;)  You know what will happen the next morning...  You will wake up with the major "clump fest" on your precious lashes, and to make things worse, if you're like me, there will be no time to take it off and redo the whole thing.  Then what?  Use this little product just like you would a mascara, and instantly you old mascara is emulsified and comes back to life, refreshing your eye makeup without reapplying!  Also useful at the end of the day when you're going out and you just want to refresh your mascara without applying a new coat (which isn't good anyway since it can brake you lashes!).  I'm telling you, this has saved my life (I'm barely exaggerating here!) and my 2-day old eye makeup more than once.  

It's by Tarte and it sells for $16 on the Tarte website (  Sephora and some other online stores also carry it.  Careful though...  If you buy it, you will most likely be hooked!

A must! 

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